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Thursday 9 February 2017

Marine Le Pen wants to give France it's freedom back

Marine Le Pen wants to give France it's freedom back 

Launching her Presidential Campaign, here's what the far-right leader wants to do for France. 

The far-right leader, Marine Le Pen has launched her Presidential Campaign by announcing that she wants to make changes and to "give France it's freedom back". 
Not wanting the country to be influenced or guided by anyone else. 

At the moment, the opinion polls are showing that Marine Le Pen will win the first round of the Presidential Election however the rest still remains uncertain however when you look at Brexit and President Trump - both results were surprising. 

Time and time again, Marine Le Pen has said that she wants to give France it's freedom back, recently announcing what she plans to do. 

Her Proposals are: 

- Holding a referendum on EU Membership.

- Leaving the Eurozone. 

- Lowering the retirement age.

- Lowering Income Tax. 

- Increasing several welfare benefits. 

- Limit Migration, annually 10,000.

- Deport all foreign convicts and anyone under investigation "for links with radical islam". 

More to follow.


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