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Saturday, 26 November 2016

'Undercover Colors' Nail Polish Detects Drugs in Drink

'Undercover Colors' Nail Polish Detects Drugs in Drink

There's always new things being created and brought to the market but here's something which a lot of people will find useful!

A new nail polish range called 'Undecover Colors' has been developed by a group of students from North Carolina State University to allow people to be able to detect if any drugs have been slipped into their drink. 

The way it works is rather simple - you dip your finger or stir the drink and if there is a presence of Rohypnol or GHB (two of the most commonly used drugs) then the nail polish will change colour, alerting you. 

Undercover Colors - "With our nail polish, any woman will be empowered to discreetly ensure her safety by simply stirring her drink with her finger.

You can see a little example below. 

Whilst it might not be the answer to other problems, this nail polish is definitely a step in the right direction. 

With a bit of work and further development - who knows what else can be created to help protect more people. 

Everything 24 Online. 


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