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Sunday 12 February 2017

George Michael Funeral - Fadi Fawaz "Not Welcome"

George Michael Funeral - Fadi Fawaz "Not Welcome" 

Close Friend Andros Georgiou has recently spoken to the media saying that the singer's family will "not welcome" Fadi Fawaz to the funeral. 

Andros Georgiou is a close-family friend and was called "cousin" by George Michael as they were so close when growing up.

Speaking to the media, Andros revealed how the singer's family have not invited Fadi - "he is not welcome, the family hate him - heaven help him if he turned up.

After a 999 call was leaked to the media with Fadi telling the operator that he had been "waiting for hours" for George to wake up. 

Andros said - "It just didn't make sense when I read the transcript - I have listened to the call over and over. Fadi sounded way too calm, when really you would be hysterical and crying.

He continued - "Also, he said that he waited for hours for George to wake up. Really? On Christmas Day you wait for hours? If you find someone like that and they're not waking up - you call 999 right away.

"In my opinion, he has wasted hours when he could have saved him. If he was lying in bed all that time, you never know, he could have had a faint pulse and possibly been resuscitated.

"Also, the way he told them (operator) 'Oh it's George Michael - you know, the singer' was just wrong. The fact that he didn't know the address or his birthday shows that he wasn't close to him.

George Michael was set to host Christmas lunch for at least 20 guests at his second home in London - since George Michael's passing, Andros has said that he has been "bowled over" by the star's fans since his death saying - "I'd like to thank them all for their incredible support.

We would like wish the star's family and friends well - our thoughts are with them! 


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