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Monday 27 February 2017

New Nokia 3310 - It's back!

New Nokia 3310 - It's back! 

And it even has snake! 


The rumours are actually true - the Nokia 3310 is back and it even has the beloved snake game! :) 

The new version of the phone doesn't even have 3G however since the rumours began earlier this year - it's been the most in-demand phone.

"This is what consumers have been asking us for - we decided that we would do just that and have some fun with it. That's the unique opportunity we have here at HMD with the Nokia brand."

The new Nokia 3310 has a slightly bigger screen than the original model and this time - it's available in different colours. 
The new version also comes with a camera on the back and it has a removable battery cover too. 

The software is similar to the original 3310 and HMD has promised that the new version will be strong and durable just like the original model, saying the following - "There is a segment of the population that just wants a basic phone."
Continuing - "From the stereotype builder that just wants to call and text - not worrying if it gets broken, to the ultimate festival phone or simply - a backup phone

The phone will be launching later this year and will cost around £50 - the original was priced at around £129.99 on pay as you go back in 2000. 


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