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Saturday 18 February 2017

Things you didn't know about The Netherlands

Things you didn't know about The Netherlands 

Every country should take a look at how The Netherlands deals with situations - maybe we can learn from them?

Solar Bike Lane 

In The Netherlands you'll be able to find the only solar bike lane which is performing better than expected! 

Starting off as research, the 328-foot bike lane with solar cells were embedded inside tempered glass and turned into an energy generator. 

The aim is for these to be placed all over as the energy created could actually be used to power street lights, traffic lights and perhaps - even electronic cars!

SolaRoad - the team behind this invention will now be trying out new and improved materials with the hope of it being the norm as The Netherlands is the first place to put any kind of energy-harvesting road into action. 

Electric Car Chargers Every 50 Meters 

The Netherlands is known for promoting a better and healthier lifestyle - especially when it comes to new technology and energy. 

Since the introduction of electric-cars, The Netherlands has made it easy for people who own electric cars allowing them to park and charge their cars during the day with energy-charging spots located every 50 meters in different locations in towns and cities.

NO stray Animals 

Unlike many other countries - The Netherlands is the only place in which there are NO stray animals (it has been officially confirmed) and with strict laws and regulations in place for anyone who treats an animal badly or abandons them.  


Only-Bike Town

Houten - a little town in The Netherlands. 

The 4000 or so people who live there all came to agreement to travel in and around the town by bike - ONLY. 

Prisons CLOSE due to lack of Criminals 

Yes, that's right - The Netherlands has closed 19 prisons since 2009 due to the LACK of criminals and crimes taking place. 

With many people saying that The Netherlands is "the country of the future" maybe it's about time that more countries takes a look and sees how The Netherlands approaches and handles different situations. 

Smaller countries tend to look after their people better so why can bigger countries not take inspiration from things like this and make things better for people…. 


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