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Monday 22 January 2018

Do you know what's in these crisps?


Do you know what's in these crisps?

Do you really want to know? 

See more details below....
After a long day at work, you arrive home and get ready to watch a movie with friends and family, what's one of the most-commonly-picked snacks - crisps!

It's something that we all love but do you really know what's in flavoured crisps like the ones pictured above?

Maltodextrin - Used as a food additive. Produced from starch by partial hydrolysis and normally comes in a white spray-dried powder. Easily digestible and one of the most commonly used items for the production of soft drinks, sweets, crisps and processed foods.  

Malic Acid - This is another food additive which is used in many food products and normally listed under the E Number - E296. It's used in sweets which are sometimes labelled with a warning sign - saying that excessive consumption can cause irritation of the mouth however this is still approved for use as a food additive in the EU, Australia and New Zealand

Sodium Acetate - Also known as Sodium Ethanoate is colourless and has a wide range of uses. Industrial: Used in the textile industry to neutralise Sulfuric Acid waste streams and much more. 
Food: Sodium Ethanoate is added to food as a seasoning (sometimes under the form of Sodium Diacetate) and also goes under the E number E262 which is commonly used in crisps to give them the Salt & Vinegar flavour. 

Scents & Colouring - Depending on the type of crisps and the flavour - scents and colouring is added to the snack to make them seem more appealing.  

Flavour Enhancer (Ribonucleotides) - What's this you ask? Ribonucleotides is a mixture of disodium isonate (IMP) and disodium guanylate (GMP) which is primarily used in flavoured noodles, crisps, snack foods, sauces and fast foods. 

I think we can all saw "eww" together on this.

The best thing is to not eat foods like this however, if you can't resists a snack every now and again - choose salted potato crisps which have been cooked or baked in olive oil. 

Now, go and share this with your friends and family! 


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